Jun 27, 2009

Decked Out!

Out of steam that is. But we finished painting the cottage decks. Yeah, they're a little bit spectacular. Now mind you, when we started painting this morning at 7:30, it was 70ish degrees. When we finished at 11:00 it was 80-something. THEN we cleaned up the painting gear and mowed the lawn until 2:00 when it was in the upper 90's! Quite a work-out for anyone, but for an 'ol'lady'...... Oy!

It's wonderful to have the cottage looking so good, and it's not just aesthetics that make finishing this job a little special. Another factor is that Mom's little place is finally complete, the way she had always planned for it to be. And even though Sis isn't physically able to help at the moment, it was something we had fun doing together with our own "Spit and Glue"! Can I get a Woot Woot!

1 comment:

  1. It looks amazing and when you get the chance to paint the front door it will look fantabulous! Good job!


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